all love {with appropriate doses of rage}


what the people say

each of us can change the world when we start with our very own


stories matter. relationships matter. race matters.

i have had the honor of working with so many beautiful and diverse people. here are some of the things they have shared about our time together.

You forced us to confront important truths about our shared work really being a matter of life and death for so many of our kids, and renewed a sense of urgency about what we’re doing together. I can’t thank you enough for grounding us, and elevating us all at the same time. We are deeply grateful that you were willing to spend time with our team
— Gates Foundation Program Officer

Thank you for always reminding me to stay in my truth and honor my calling! There have been too many days to count, when you became the shelter in numerous storms. I thank God for bringing me to New Leaders to meet you and to learn gracefully how to check folks.
— Nadia Lopez, Principal
You created a safe scenario to discuss the topics of race, especially since they are things I think about, but not often enough. This was the beginning of having an honest conversation about race and white privilege.
— Educator

I appreciate that you started with the black lives matter and other movement for the parkland students and allowed us to reflect on the socio-political context in which we do this work AND pushed us to develop our capacity to observe for the rigor and depth of the standards. More directly stated if we only do equity work and grow together in our ways of being in the work buy do not develop our capacity around standards, this would have been time misspent. I appreciate that you navigated that tension and brought the work back to developing our technical skills in a justice centered way.
— tina, school leader

I appreciate how you know the right time to enter the conversation to move people or inspire people.
— Principal
Truly inspirational. Your ability to shift from visionary and true purpose of the work to giving us specifics on improving our practice. Thank you!
— Principal in Residence

Your commitment to this work has impacted me to constantly question if my approach is for kids and kids first.
— School Leader
You always offer great feedback and help us come to our own conclusions by pushing our thinking.
— Principal in Residence

You were awesome as you gave our team just the right blend of content, engagement and provocation.
— Gates Foundation Program Officer

Thank you for making the Institute an incredible learning experience for me. You have an amazing gift that has personally served as an inspiration to me in the work I am leading at my school. Many blessings and I hope to be inspired by you again.
— Principal

all website images copyright Verta Maloney. all rights reserved.